URL monitoring
Watch video about LINKOWhat is URL Monitoring?
Let’s start with the main question: what actually is URL monitoring and why you might need an URL monitoring tool in the first place?
We all live in very interesting times where the internet transformed our world as well as the way all businesses are operating in the market. The World Wide Web has brought businesses much closer to their consumers. And that is why the importance of smooth and seamless delivery of services (as well as the importance of the website itself) has grown like never before!
The procedure of URL or website monitoring is a process of tracking web application parameters, analyzing website behavior and performance and reporting a problem as soon as the issue occurs. It can also include reporting the historical performance to deduce the functioning of the web page.
Amazing Linko’s URL monitoring tool
Linko’s URL monitoring tool watches over URL performance with one task: to ensure that your web site might deliver a smooth browsing experience to your valued users, and any possible performance issues are detected as soon as possible and therefore are resolved before any potential business threats occurs (yes, we are talking about money lose here).
You know pretty well that a functional website is a valuable asset to your business and its downtime, if not detected in time, could result in a serious loss of revenue. Linko's URL monitoring tool was designed so that you could easily identify these potential catastrophes ahead of time and could avoid any serious downtime as well as other less serious issues.
To ensure that your website could deliver a smooth browsing experience to your users, you will receive an instant notification for all essential metrics such as response time, DNS time, connection time, your page size and many others. This will allow you to stay one step ahead of most common problems and to offer great services for those eager clients of yours.