SSL certificate expiration monitoring
Let's do a quick periodic SSL check!
It is quite easy to think that doing a quick periodic check of the expiration date is enough to ensure that you don’t end up with an invalid or expired certificate. Unfortunately, if you want to check if the SSL certificate is working properly and is not expired you have to do a bit more than that.
Linko’s SSL certificate expiration monitoring to the rescue!
Good news is that it is very easy to avoid getting punished by Google and losing revenue and that hard-earned trust from your customers. Just let Linko do the job! No more mental load of keeping in mind or checking expiration date and no more “ooops!” moments when your certificates are revoked without you even noticing it (yes, that might easily happen). Linko is here to help you to avoid your website downtime due to SSL certificate issues as it will notify you before the certificate expires.
Finally, someone on the team to take care of SSL certificate expiration monitoring it tirelessly and constantly!